I am Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Kentucky. I hold a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Toronto. My two main areas of study are formal syntax and variationist sociolinguistics; and I employ quantitative methods and naturalistic data from my own fieldwork to conduct my investigations. My research focuses on the Inuit language, particularly Inuktitut varieties. French is my mother tongue, and I am also fluent in English.
Some linguistic phenomena that I have worked on include:
- Morphosyntactic alignment change
- Word order
- New-dialect formation
- Topicality and the left periphery
- Referentiality of bare nouns
If you want to know the reference of any of my publications, see page Publications. To see the list of linguistics courses that I have taught as the main instructor, see page Teaching. You can download my resume on page CV. Finally, see page Contact if you wish to contact me.